The fully customizable reporting dashboard gives security executives and managers the ability to visualize and monitor their KPIs in real time. Data can be extracted from artifacts, events, global list, or incidents, and visualized based on time ranges or other filters.

Unlock SOC Insights Instantly

Smart SOAR simplifies compliance, centralizes data, and empowers every stakeholder in your organization.

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Secure Visibility for Every Stakeholder
Whether you’re an analyst, manager, or CSO, Smart SOAR has the information you need. Securely share reports, with D3’s granular, field-level access controls, to provide visibility without security or privacy risks.
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Effortless Compliance
Your security team doesn’t want to spend their time assembling information for regulatory reports. Smart SOAR eliminates most of the time spent on compliance, reducing the risk of fines while keeping your attention on security tasks.
Working with Data
All Your Security Data in One Place
Smart SOAR collects security data from your entire stack, so you can get global insights on your security operations, all in one platform. No more screen-switching between siloed systems.

SOC Metrics

Track what’s important in your SOC so you can identify problem areas and make continuous improvements. Smart SOAR’s custom dashboards compare key metrics against predetermined benchmarks, including MTTR, MTTD, number of incidents by type, open and close tickets by analyst, and much more.

Trend Reporting

Give appropriate visibility into SOC trends to stakeholders at every level with Smart SOAR’s tactical reporting. Reporting can be fully automated based on a set schedule or triggered based on data, which keeps your analysts focused on their work instead of spending time putting together reports.

Case Management

Retrieve the details of any incident for internal reviews or external audits, with no time spent manually tracking and assembling information. Smart SOAR automatically tracks who did what, when, with complete audit trails for all activity. Whether you’re conducting an incident post-mortem, fulfilling an eDiscovery request, or looking for bottlenecks in your processes, getting a complete picture of any incident is fast and easy.


Ensure regulatory and legal compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, 23 NYCRR 500, and any other requirements through Smart SOAR’s customized compliance reporting. When you need to report a data breach or other major incident to regulators, you can’t afford to be collecting data from siloed systems. Smart SOAR is your one-stop shop for incident data, enabling rapid investigation, information-gathering, and notification timelines.

Get Started with D3 Security

One platform to stop alert overwhelm. Transform how your security team works, by focusing its resources on real threats.